Where history & heritage come to life

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Reenactment Camps

Posted on 3/17/23

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Clans and Societies

Posted on 3/17/23

Reenactment Camps

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St. Andrew's Noble Order of Royal Scots

Posted on 4/11/23

St. Andrew’s Noble Order of Royal Scots is a non-profit educational group. focused on education by traveling to schools and Scottish Festivals to bring to life the Court of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland as it was in the year 1562. their Youth Outreach Program, focusing on the seventh grade, brings history to life for students studying the Renaissance. 


From Website


At Scottish Festivals and Games, They are typically found at the center the living history section, helping explore the rich history and heritage of Scotland. They also attend various Renaissance Faires and Festivals throughout Northern and Central California.

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Legio II AVG

Posted on 2/2/24

Coming soom




They have evolved into a group of Scallywags who perform at faires and festivals across California. They can be found in our Pyrate Skool teaching nouns and arrjectives, pirate history and lore. Their members include historical re-enactors with costumes accurate to the period they portray as well as folks who just like to play.

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Posted on 3/17/21

Dark Boar is a non-profit educational group. We are a collaboration of like-minded enthusiast’s from all over California who enjoy educating and entertaining on the Viking era of 8th-11th centuries.

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Posted on 3/17/21

Stirling Mercenaries Present the life mercenary companies in Medieval Europe, Primarily of the 12th century.

dark boar 8-11 ad

From Web-Site


They recreate a portrait of Viking life by demonstrating a wide variety of skills, vocations, and resourcefulness through their activities. Dark Boar,s display includes various structures that provide an example of traditional A-frames and meeting halls that would have been used during the Viking time period. They provide demonstrations of combat, explanations of Viking history and geography, and examples of Viking crafts. They are an open group who enjoy engaging with the public, answering questions, and meeting with those who share their appreciation for history.


From Web-Site


Stirling Mercenaries Present the life mercenary companies in Medieval Europe, Primarily of the 12th century. This was a time marked by wars in both Christendom and afar as well as an influx of trade, technology advancement, and migrations between distant, and in some cases isolated, peoples. The Stirling Mercenaries Function as both a living history and martial arts group dedicated to the concept of learning from the past in a hands on manner. Through activities such as hands on weapons and armour displays, training patrons, and presentation of skills, the Mercenaries allow the audience that same opportunity.

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MEAD & MEADOW 15th century

Posted on 3/17/21

Mead and MeadowCrafter’s Guild providesan intimate look into how a majority of the citizens lived and worked during the Middle Ages in Europe.

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Posted on 3/17/21

PICTLAND is a Living History Guild set in the first century in Caledonia (Scotland).

MEAD & MEADOW 15th century

From Web-Site


Get a glimpse of skills that were used in everyday life to cook and preserve food, the brewing of mead and ale,breaking down flax to be made into linen,the identification of plants and the methods forproducing medicine and herbal remedies for household use, the tools and methods for managing their plot of land,and much more.


From Web-Site


We conduct educational and entertaining oral presentations on the history of the Pictish people in Caledonia and the early development of the pre-Scottish society. Presentations go on to include the early years and notable events of Scotland’s struggle to remain a free people. Our interactive Living History Guild display includes tools of the era, artisan workers of wood, leather, metals, textiles and paint. Our display includes full scale representations of Celtic standing stones, a round house, and art from the region along with discussions on the life of the Picts. Our mission is to educate today’s generation about the people of so long ago that helped shape the world we live in. We do this in a crowd engaging way through presentation and demonstration. We desire to share this educational experience in an engaging, entertaining and safe atmosphere.

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Portcullis Players 1700 AD

Posted on 5/17/21

The Portcullis Players are honored to present a reenactment of the Scots Irish in the time of the American War of Independence (1775 – 1783), focusing primarily on the later period of the war in the Southern Theater.

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Guild of St. Margaret of Scotland

Posted on 1/17/23

We strive to bring the realism and ambiance of the traveling Court of King James VI of Scotland and I of England. Generally Portraying the Year of 1603- The Year King James the Sixth of Scotland became King James the First of England.

Portcullis Players 1700 AD

From Web-Site


Covering the Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia colonies, this is the time of such battles as King’s Mountain, Cowpens, and Guilford Courthouse, showcasing the contribution of Patriot back-country militias composed by many of Scots Irish descent. The Portcullis Players will be demonstrating and/or talking about: the day and the life of the militia and Continental Army soldiers, domestic activities such as fiber arts and spinning, spying and spy craft during the war, cooking and baking (demonstrations as fire code permits), coffee and coffee houses, and the all-important distillation of whiskey. Please join us to learn about the time period and the Scots Irish, as well as the Scottish (primarily on the side of the British), participation during the American Revolution.




Because of unification of the crowns of Scotland and England did not happen until a century later in 1707, he was styled as King James the Sixth and First. Our days at faire include dueling, feasting, music, games, battles and of course an opportunity for you to meet and have a personal audience with His Majesty!

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Scottish Halberdiers

Posted on 5/17/21

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Gaesatae et Legio Roma

Posted on 1/13/24

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Saint Sebastian's Renaissance Guild

Posted on 5/17/21

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St. Gyles Order of Knights and Nobles

Posted on 5/17/21

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Reeves of Jorvik

Posted on 12/17/23

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Sjorvaldar Vikings

Posted on 5/17/21

Sjorvaldar Vikings presents an educational and historic representation of a mobile encampment of the Viking age in Scandinavia. Among the displays are period tents, weaving and spinning and cloth production displays,  eatherworking, wood working to include tools and a spring pole lathe, trading, cooking of typical meals and associated foods from the time and black smithing. All displays are accurate as to tools and goods from the Viking age
unless they are not available and will be identified as such. The guild also provides live steel fighting demonstrations of Viking age fighting methods.
The members of the guild try to make their displays interactive when possible but seek to present historic knowledge in an entertaining, accurate and informative manner.

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House of Hawkdale

Posted on 12/17/23

We are the House of Hawkdale, a renaissance faire guild showcasing some of the trades and skills necessary to run a Noble household in 16th century England. The wide variety of household tasks and roles allow for guild members and guests to pursue their own interests within the guild concept while making these activities accessible to the fairgoer. By bringing these daily activities into the open, we allow the fairgoer a bit of lore and provide an interactive experience

Just days until the Celtic New Year's Celebration!
at the Frogtown Fairgrounds in Angels Camp, CA.